Monday, 16 December 2013

All nurses cannot work in all jobs!

All nurses cannot work in all jobs!

The innovation and technological advances in the field of health, have meant that professionals in Nursing have had to make a constant effort, efficiently managing their knowledge to improve Care, Nursing Product and to answer the health needs of the population.

All these coincide with the change of model of undergraduate education, to allow us to enter the European Higher Education Area, according to Bologna resolutions.

But there is a fault of adaptation between professional generalist nursing competences and the occupation in a specific field like Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

Elena Miguel is convinced that nursing speciality in the Traumatology and Orthopaedics area of knowledge needs to acquire a group of specific competences that guarantee a best practise in the attendance job.

What is a Competence? It is the combination of necessary knowledge, skills and attitude for successful occupation of a role or a certain job.

What is the profile of Competences?
§  Combination of Competences defined for a job.
§  Tool to search and evaluate the information.

The word “Competence” began to develop into the professional organizations at the end of 20th century, seen as a “new” tool of strategic leadership in the business world. After leading by results, managers who wanted to have good results had to think of the human factor and they began to give importance to the persons who make up their organization. The new age is known as “leadership by values”. Companies know their big potentials are the people of their organization. For that, employers must involve themselves with philosophy, view, mission and values of their institution.

It is necessary the Identification of Professional Competences of Nursing in Traumatology and Orthopaedics.

Elena Miguel Poza Enfermera Coordinadora - Nursing Coordinator Email: