Monday, 28 April 2014

Málaga, centro de la enfermería traumatológica y ortopédica

Málaga, centro de la enfermería traumatológica y ortopédica
Bajo el lema "Enfermería en C.O.T: Integrando Ciencia y Emociones", la Asociación Española de Enfermería en Traumatología y Ortopedia (AEETO) ha celebrado estos días su XIII Congreso en Málaga con más de 250 participantes llegados desde toda la geografía española para compartir conocimientos, experiencias y estar al día de los últimos avances.
La presidenta de AEETO, Elena Miguel, el presidente del Colegio de Enfermería de Málaga, Juan Antonio Astorga, y el presidente del comité científico, Diego Cantalejo, fueron los encargados de la inauguración.
En su discurso, Astorga destacó el “poder de convocatoria” de la cita con el ánimo de ser mejores profesionales, no solo en los conocimientos, sino en lo que se refiere a la “cercanía a los pacientes” y valoró ese “interés por avanzar” de los asistentes a los que animó a “apasionarse” por la práctica enfermera ahora que corren tiempos difíciles.
Por su parte, la presidenta de AEETO, quiso poner de relieve que desde la asociación trabajan durante todo el año con cursos de formación, becas para los congresos, revista especializada y ahora también cursos online: “Os invito a que expreséis y compartáis vuestra experiencias y emociones que nos sirvan a todos para enriquecernos en este Congreso”, ha dicho Elena Miguel.
El programa estuvo cargado de ponencias, mesas redondas, seminarios y ejercicios de simulación práctica como la atención politrauma en el medio acuático, que se llevó a cabo en el puerto de la ciudad malagueña.
Elena Miguel indicó que en lo que respecta a los trabajos de carácter científico presentados han sido un total de 70 pósters y 42 comunicaciones libres.
Esta iniciativa ha intentado, un año más, de congregar a los enfermeros y enfermeras de todo el país para compartir proyectos, inquietudes y conocimientos con el fin de promover la investigación y la creación de estrategias para normalizar la práctica enfermera que repercutirá en la calidad de los cuidados a los pacientes y su salud.

Elena Miguel, presidenta de A.E.E.T.O y Juan Antonio Astorga, presidente del Colegio de Enfermería de Málaga

Elena Miguel Poza - Enfermera coordinadora y profesora de enfermería - Nurse, nursing coordinator & trainer in IMTRA Instituto Madrileño de Traumatologia (Madrid Spain) Tel: (0034) 915545405 Email: Web site:

Monday, 21 April 2014

Donate blood is giving life! Become a donor! Cruz Roja Española (Spanish Red Cross) Madrid Spain

Donate blood is giving life!  Become a donor!

Blood is used frequently to treat:
  • ·      Patients with severe anaemia
  • ·      Accident victims
  • ·      Patients undergoing surgical procedures
  • ·      Transplant suffering patients
  • ·      Patients with cancer

There is constant need of a regular blood supply because it can be stored only during a limited time before it’s used.
Blood is the more precious gift that a person can offer to others.  The decision to donate blood can save the life a person or several even.

Donor requirements
  • ·      Over 18 and under 65
  • ·      Over 50 Kilos
  • ·      Not suffering or having suffered from blood-borne diseases (Hepatitis C and B, Malaria, AIDS, etc.)
  • ·      Spend a little medical examination: taking blood pressure, determination of haemoglobin, health questionnaire.
  • ·      Not fasting.

What is obtained from donated blood?
Blood is fractional in:
  • ·      Red cell concentrate
  • ·      Plasma
  • ·      Platelets

You can donate in several places:
  • ·      Hospitals (Blood banks)
  • ·      Transfusion Centers:

o   Cruz Roja Española (Spanish Red Cross): C/ Juan Montalvo  3 (Madrid)
o   Comunidad de Madrid: Avd Democracia s/n (Valdebernardo-Madrid)
  • ·      Mobile Units (donation buses)

  1.   Donate blood is a non-profit and voluntary action;
  2.   Blood is regenerated but is not possible to manufacture;
  3.   Blood can save lives and somebody is waiting for it;

  4.   Why are you not a donor?

Elena Miguel Poza Enfermera Coordinadora - Nursing Coordinator in IMTRA Email:

Monday, 14 April 2014

Spanish Traumatology and Orthopaedic Nursing Association (AEETO) 51st SECOT Congress (Madrid Spain) 10th October 2014

1st Workday of Spanish Traumatology and Orthopaedic Nursing Association (AEETO) 
during the 51st  SECOT Congress

The Spanish Traumatology and Orthopaedic Surgeon Society (SECOT) has invited the Spanish Traumatology and Orthopaedic Nursing Association (AEETO) to organize some activities during the Congress of this year.

The workday will have two parts. Several lectures about “Nursing Innovation in Traumatology and Orthopaedics” will be in the morning:
  •  “Empowerment: Advanced practical. Experience in a Orthopeadic Ward”
  • “Education to the Nursing Competence in a security environment: Clinic Simulation”
  •  “Nursing Education in the Traumatology Combat Care”
  • “Basis and experience in online consultation care and telephone consultation care”

After these topics, there will be a time of free communications, where our colleagues will share their experiences with us.

In the afternoon, the activities will be more practical. There will be several practical seminars:
  •  Continuity of Care: Hospital discharge report
  •  Ethics: the deliberation
  •  Reflexology
  • Taping versus kinesio taping.
  •  Kyphoplasty
  •  Periprosthetic fractures

Elena Miguel Poza as President of the Spanish Traumatology and Orthopaedic Nursing Association will introduce the Association, explaining all activities of the association during the year and will display the Nursing Competences in Traumatology and Orthopeadics with all participants.

        Elena Miguel Poza Enfermera Coordinadora - Nursing Coordinator Email:

Monday, 7 April 2014

13th National Congress of Spanish Traumatology & Orthopaedic Nursing Association AEETO

XIII National Congress of Spanish Traumatology and Orthopaedic Nursing Association – AEETO

Spanish Traumatology and Orthopaedic Nursing Association has chosen Malaga as city to celebrate the XIII National Congress. It will take place in the Palacio de Congresos de Málaga (Avda. Ortega y Gaset, 20-29006) from 23rd to 25th April 2014.

The motto of this congress is “Traumatology and Orthopaedic Nursing: integrating science and emotions”. We want to transmit that scientific development is significant in our career but we cannot forget the key piece: The Humanization of Care, both from the patient’s point of view and from our’s (as professionals and as people). Everybody is invited to expose these emotions, feelings and personal experiences that are important to share.

I cannot forget to talk about the online course that will be parallel to this congress. The purpose of this online course is to give the opportunity to look at the different topics to people who could not attend.

Our association wants to promote Nursing Knowledge raising the Nursing Competence.

Elena Miguel Poza Enfermera Coordinadora - Nursing Coordinator in and President AEETO  Organisation Committee Email:

Photo by Edward Olive photographer