Monday, 29 December 2014

Care in patient care

Care in patient care

In Medicine, the patient is someone that suffers pain or discomfort. From the sociological point of view, the patient is a person receiving services from a healthcare professional to do a test, treatment or a surgical intervention.

Patients are in a vulnerable position, depending on doctors, nurses, therapists, etc. They have to go through bad experiences with injections, ailment, pain, medical techniques they do not understand, loss of privacy, loss of control of the environment, etc.

It is very important that the patient feels secure in all treatment process and the persons around him (doctors, nurses, family, etc.) give him this security.

Nurses know very well the importance of a proper relationship with the patient. In English, there is a term that defines this concept: “Bedside manner”.  We don´t have this phrase in Spanish, but all healthcare professionals know the importance of the meaning.

In the relationship of patient-nurse/doctor, it is very important:
  •      Communication (verbal and non-verbal)
  •           Forms and expressions of communication
  •           Help relationship

Patients need to feel that they are in the best hands (professional and personal). During a treatment or test the patient needs:
  •           To feel that he is important for the nurse/doctor
  •           To understand technique (it is necessary that you explain it to him)
  •           To understand that this is a phase to be better  (improvement or healing)
  •           To feel comfortable and confident

It is necessary that the nurse/doctor knows how to handle:
§  Kindness
§  Empathy
§  Accompanying
§  Sympathy
§  To make the patient participant in the technique
§  To transmit relaxation

With all these ideas, I have wanted to do a summary of the principles of nursing care in general and relate from personal experience the concepts of nursing care that we put into practice on a daily basis with our patients in the IMTRA Incoma clinic.

Key words: nurse, patient, communication, help relationship, enfermería, paciente, cuidado, care, relación de ayuda.

Elena Miguel Poza - Nurse, nursing coordinator & trainer - Enfermera coordinadora y profesora de enfermería - IMTRA Instituto Madrileño de Traumatologia (Madrid Spain)
Tel: (0034) 915545405 Email: Web site in English: Web site in Spanish:

Friday, 19 December 2014

Obtaining Rich Plasma in Growth Factors (PRGF)

Rich Plasma in Growth Factors (PRGF) is a novel and relatively recent technique applicable to tissue repair. It consists of platelet proteins obtained from a blood sample of the patient.

In the scope of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, the application of PRGF improves the evolution of patients with tissue regenerative necessities in different pathologies such as:
  •    To accelerate bone healing in the postoperative period,
  •    To decrease pain and improved mobility in incipient osteoarthritis,
  •        To improve the healing of tendon injuries,
  •        Wounds healing, etc.
The effects of PRGF on the cells of organisms are:
  •         Proliferation of osteoblasts (cells that help with bone formation)
  •        Proliferation of fibroblasts (cells that help with soft tissue formation)
  •        Chemotaxis (movement to specific point of injury)
  •         Synthesis of extracellular matrix (tissue repair).
The process of obtaining PRGF has several phases:
           1.- Extraction of blood (venous puncture) 

     2.- Cell separation (centrifugation) 

    3.- Catching and activating the serum with highest concentration of platelet rich growth factors (PRGF). 

  4.- Application to the patient (surgery intraoperative in the Hospital or intrarticular, on the tendon injury, etc. in the clinic)

In our IMTRA INCOMA Clinic, the preparation of the rich plasma in growth factors is made with the latest technology. We use a laminar airflow cabinet to separate the two different serum - the serum which poor in growth factors from the serum which rich in growth factors. This cabinet is designed to prevent air contamination of biological samples having a system where air is drawn through a HEPA filter and provides clean air to the work area.

After a study of your pathology in the IMTRA INCOMA Clinic, Dr Galindo Andújar may treat you with rich plasma in growth factors.

Elena Miguel Poza - Nurse, nursing coordinator & trainer - Enfermera coordinadora y profesora de enfermería - IMTRA Instituto Madrileño de Traumatologia (Madrid Spain)
Tel: (0034) 915545405 Email: Web site in English: Web site in Spanish: