Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Professional Competences of Nursing in Spain

Professional Competences of Nursing in Spain

Valuing the work of Spanish nursing, we can ask:
·      Can any nursing professional work in any area?
·      Is the nursing performance evaluated?
·      Is the professional development and training of the nurses recognised?

Is professional competence recognised?

At this point, it is essential to define the word “Competence”. It is the combination of necessary:
  1.     Knowledge, 
  2.     Skills, 
  3.     Capacity, 
  4.     Attitude, and 
  5.      Motivation

for successful occupation of a role or a particular job (Lyle M Spencer y Signe M Spencer 1993).

In Spain, the competence development is a right and an obligation of the nursing professionals. There are several laws that establish the obligation to prove the competence in the nursing work:
  •       Ley Ordenación Profesiones Sanitarias 44/2003: Titulo I. Del ejercicio de las profesiones sanitarias. Artículo 4.6:
  •        Ley 16/2003, de 28 de mayo, de cohesión y calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Artículo 40 y Articulo 42. Desarrollo profesional.

It is essential the development of knowledge and skills through the Continuing Accredited Education.

Nursing is a profession in constant change and requires constant updating. It is necessary to:

       Promote the training of Nursing;
       Develop nursing skills;
       Define standards of clinical practice; and
       Minimize the variability in nursing practice and its adverse effects.

Elena Miguel Poza - Nurse, nursing coordinator & trainer - Enfermera coordinadora y profesora de enfermería - IMTRA Instituto Madrileño de Traumatologia (Madrid Spain)
Tel: (0034) 915545405 Email: Web site in English: Web site in Spanish: