Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Summer is to enjoy, but take care!

Summer is to enjoy, but take care!

In summer, we have more free time. We can spend more time outside and we can share more time with our family and friends.

We change our place of residence and activities. This is very nice but we have to take a number of precautions about:
a) Sun exposure with caution:
·      Sunscreen creams,
·      Hats,
·      Summer clothes,
·      Sunglasses,
·      Choice of appropriate time for exercise etc.

b) Drink plenty of liquids:
·      Water is the best,
·      Not too many sweet drinks,
·      Natural drinks are better, etc.

c) Sport in summer:
·      Gradual increase in levels of physical activity,
·      Muscle warming before physical activity,
·      Muscle stretching after physical activity,
·      Appropriate equipment, footwear, etc.

d) A balanced diet:
·      A variety of healthy foods,
·      Food handling care (washed vegetables and fruit)

e) Proper use of clothing and footwear depending on the situation: beach, mountain, sea, city, etc.

Summer is fun, but be careful!

Elena Miguel Poza - Nurse, nursing coordinator & trainer - Enfermera coordinadora y profesora de enfermería - IMTRA Instituto Madrileño de Traumatologia (Madrid Spain)
Tel: (0034) 915545405 Email: Web site in English: Web site in Spanish: