Monday 2 September 2013

AO Trauma Operating Room Personnel (ORP) Mentor Training 2012

AO Trauma Operating Room Personnel (ORP) Mentor Training 2012

Elena Miguel took part in the AO Trauma Operating Room Personnel (ORP) Mentor Training organized in Davos in December of 2012 by AO Trauma ORP Committee. The outcomes of the program were designed to improve the teaching skills, knowledge and expertise of ORP team mentors of different countries of the world. Elena Miguel is AO Trauma ORP Mentor in Spain.
The language of the course was English.

This course included several parts:
a) Online preparations
b) A live activity
c) Follow-up online activities

The online preparations were from 5th November to 9th December of 2012. These preparations showed to participants a basic understanding of:

-  how adults learn
-  how to give a lecture
-  how  to run a practical exercise
-  how to lead a group discussion

Through that online platform, Elena Miguel got to know others participants, establishing trust, sharing interests and communicating and interacting openly. She had to pass several test about the different topics.

The live event was in Davos, Switzerland, from 9th to 13th December of 2012. The participants were 24 Mentors of different countries from Asia, Australia, Europe, South and North America and Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.

During these days, Elena learnt how to improve the ORP courses in Spain using some tools like: Pre-course, Reflection, Feedback, etc. All these things are very useful for participant and also for the faculties. She had to give a presentation (a lecture), to lead a discussion group and participate in a practical exercise as instructor.  For all these, she had to work with her classmates and after each activity they did feedback.
In this course, AO Trauma ORP Program Development was introduced with a specific program for all ORP Courses of the world.

After the course, Elena followed up online with the training valuation.

This course was a great experience for Elena. She could hear and share different experiences from their Hospitals, AO ORP courses and countries. And all of them could decide what they wanted to change or improve in their surroundings.

Elena Miguel Poza Enfermera Coordinadora - Nursing Coordinator Email:

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